Wednesday 3 July 2013

Do You Believe In Soul Mates? Part 5

‘Your moods off, you didn't even bid Ram a proper farewell. You behaved really badly in front of him Prem. I was really looking forward to this meeting.’ Laila said disappointed.
‘I’m sorry miss; did your donkey behave badly in front of your horse?’
‘What are you talking about????’
‘I’ll tell you a story, there was once a landlord. He owned a donkey and a horse. Whenever he wanted to go out he traveled on the horse. The horse had good sense of direction and made him look good too! So one day someone asked him if you have a horse why do you keep a donkey? He answered, when I want to reach somewhere I use my horse, and when I want to get lost I use my donkey.’
‘OK..... So what’s your point?’ Laila asked.
‘Point is, when you need a sense of direction, when you need some good and valuable advice in life you turn to your horse, Ram. And when you want to get lost in your thoughts and words you turn to your donkey, me. I don’t blame you for it though! He is Mr. Ram after all.’
Laila was shocked for a minute. She wanted to shake Prem and yell at him that the reason she turns to Prem is not because he is her donkey but because he is the only one she is comfortable in talking with! Out of the million people in the world, among all her friends and family only Prem has the capacity to calm her down by just listening to her. That’s why she only shares with him those problems that she doesn't need advice on, but only needs pouring of the heart.
But she couldn't do that. It would mean showing emotions. It would mean showing feelings.
‘Fine Prem, if that’s what you feel I can’t help you. Take your medicines and sleep well.’ She said and started walking out.
‘I don’t believe you. I don’t bloody believe you! You hurt me Laila. I am angry! Doesn't that make any difference to you? Don’t you feel anything??’ Prem said disbelievingly with a hint of desperation in his voice.
‘No Prem, I don’t have feelings and I would like to keep it in that way.’ Laila said coldly.
‘Stop it Laila! Just stop it! I know you've been through a lot in life, but who doesn't? Learn to live Laila before it is too late!”
‘I don’t need advice from the donkey Prem. Your right. You are a donkey to me and people don’t have feelings for donkeys. So please leave me alone and go to sleep.’
Prem couldn't stand it anymore. He knew Laila was lying. He needed to show her that she loved him too. Getting up from his bed he started walking towards her. ‘Are u sure you don’t feel anything?’
‘Yes i don’t! Please get back to bed Pre...’
Before Laila could finish her sentence Prem crashed his lips upon hers and they shared their first kiss. In Room No. 202 of Inamdar Hospital between a heated argument, Prem and Laila share their first kiss. How ironic!


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